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by Songi on 2010/02/26 22:17

Why i'm gonna start running WoL tracker.
Well, it wouldn't be a top 10 ranking. (not to burst your bubble) The rankings on WoL are your effective dps (total damage/time of fight). Recount doesn't show effective dps. Your edps from that fight in the screenshot would be about 4,469.
by Sabriell on Mar. 2nd at 12:23 PM
I didn't have the tacker running. I went into the fight trying rank and didn't think I would come close to a top 10.
by Songi on Feb. 28th at 1:54 PM
Annddd looking at that ranking page, it doesn't seem to update well. You can see ranked players on the front page of any WoL report, most recently the one Sintax posted a couple days ago on the forums I think.
by Sabriell on Feb. 27th at 1:56 PM
And snow, you can see all the ranked players in Judgement at our WoL page: granted, most of them are from old content we went back to do, but there's some good ones in there.
by Sabriell on Feb. 27th at 1:48 PM
blech, word limit. stops recording in the period of time where you aren't actively dpsing, so recount dps is much lower than your effective dps sometimes. Start dividing your total damage on a fight by the total time to get WoL numbers.
by Sabriell on Feb. 27th at 1:48 PM
The dps shown by recount isn't the dps they use to calculate world of logs rankings. World of Logs literally takes the total damage you did in a fight, divided by the total time of the fight. Recount "stops" recording in the periods of time
by Sabriell on Feb. 27th at 1:46 PM
I've used the tracker and I have yet to see people's names I know in here. I have NO flippin clue how they determine who goes on the list.
by Zenyatta25 on Feb. 27th at 12:32 AM